Yana Efremova
2 min readApr 2, 2020

The second week of online classes and quarantine

I can’t say that it was harder than the first week and I can’t say that it was easier. I think that it depends on people and the amount of homework.

But for me it was the same. I did tests, played Quizled (very cool thing), learned A LOT of new words and repeated even more.

I don’t really know what else to say that’s why I’ll tell you what I’m doing during the quarantine (the virus has too big corona🤣).

Well… I watch A LOT OF videos in TikTok, half of them are in English and it’s so funny because American (and British as well) humor is different😅and strange sometimes but I feel amazing when I understand jokes.

Also one day I was watching some videos on YouTube or TikTok and I heard an idiom connected with body. I was so excited that I heard and understood it!

TBH, I don’t remember the idiom so… sorry :)

And one more thing that I was doing is watching the Thai tv-series “TharnType The Series” (it’s about two guys, one of them is a gay and the second guy hates gays, then they become a couple). I do like LGBT and that’s why it was interesting for me to watch this series. It’s a quite good series because it shows us people who behave bad about gays, who do bad things for them.

And of course, there are many jokes and funny events so I enjoyed it.

(And also I fell in love with the actors, they are so cute and handsome omg)

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