My descendants
Hi, I’m Jack and this is my crazy but very interesting story!
I think you’ll never guess who I am. Any guesses?
I’ll give you a few minutes.
So? No, no, you’re wrong. I’m a pirate. The most real! Rude, strong, everyone afraid of me! It’s true!
And now I’m going to tell you something that will shock you. This is the story of my descendants. Yes, I see the future!
My wife, Agatha, is a Spanish Princess. How did she marry a pirate? Haha, this is another topic of conversation.
In a couple of years, we’ll have a son, Jacob, whom I’ll love… unfortunately, I won’t live to see his decade. My ship will sink. And I know it.
Fortunately, my son will be better than me and will marry the beautiful girl Eliza, an aristocrat, a lover of fashion and dance. But times will change, there will be wars and revolutions in the country. And my grandchildren Ross and Riley will fight with each other. The Northerner and the Southerner. It hurts me to think about it.
Over time, Ross is getting married to a nice lady who smiles often and wears funny hats. My other grandson, Riley, will marry a shyness girl who will be afraid of everything that exists in this world.
The most interesting thing is that only Ross will continue our family and I will have great-grandchildren who will also fight among themselves. It angers me to think that my descendants will not be together, but will kill each other for nothing. A Union soldier William and his wife Mary and a Confederate soldier James and his wife Olivia. Why? I don’t understand it… Another era, another time…
William will have a son — a prospector Ethan, who will make a Native American Asidi his wife. After a time William will have a grandson Noah. Just like me, rude, but not a pirate, but a rancher who will be married to a flapper Amber.
What about my great-grandson James? His son Theodore will be a minister. Strange for me, but I have to accept that fact. Theodore’s wife will be a Puritan Sophie, a strict and strong girl. Their son Paul will be a frontiersman and his wife Lily will be a typical show girl who likes to smoke long cigarettes and drink cocktails.
And here is my surprise. The two war-torn branches of my descendants will meet again. Noah’s daughter, a home maker Berta, and Paul’s son Robin will become spouses. The most intelligent people in my line. I am glad that my descendants will be such people. And then they would have a son, Tom, whom everyone will call Tommy — the sweetest boy I’ve ever seen. I hope that he will be a great man, because to have a pirate as the ancestor is very difficult!