Life is the Most Difficult Exam

Yana Efremova
2 min readDec 8, 2020


Every person in his life faces different difficulties such as tests and exams. If we speak about school or university, probably exams are not so horrible and complicated. A person can ace it or flunk it, he can learn everything by heart or just cheat and copy someone else’s work. Anyway it is just study and a person can and have to make mistakes. It will not change anything in his life in general. His life will not alter globally.

But what if we talk about life? Can we cheat? As it is said in the quote, many people fail because of copying others and don’t realise that everyone has his own question paper. And we can look at it from the point that everyone has a diverse life. We all different and unique. That is why living our lives we should not cheat, copy or plagiarize someone’s life. If we do this, we somehow pretend to be ourselves but we are not, we are just copies of someone.

Actually, I agree with the quote that LIFE is the most difficult EXAM. I think that out life is a huge exam consisted of a bit learning, little tests and constantly working on yourself and it has so many difficulties to which we need to prepare. So, the best thing we can do is to learn by ourselves, try a lot, fail and pass these little tests that out life gives us.



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