Generation Z

Yana Efremova
2 min readApr 18, 2021


Generation Z is the latest generation of modernity. This generation is considered the digital generation, as children, barely knowing the world, begin to accustom themselves to modern gadgets and technologies. They spend most of their time on the Internet, play online games, take the necessary information from there, even study the school curriculum at an older age, find people who are close in spirit, communicate in social networks, read books and do many other different things.

In many cases, the children of Generation Z do not see the point in our education at school. They do not think they need it that much. Well, a huge number can receive education remotely, without leaving their home, thereby paying most attention to foreign languages as well as to the profile subjects that are most interesting for them. They can also earn a living in the same way, without leaving home. For them, saving time and personal freedom is an important value.

Besides, in a huge number of cases, such children grow up to be people who connect their lives with science and various technologies but, in addition to their interest in technology, they also show artistic abilities.

However, many people believe that the Generation Z is in danger as children of that period spend most of their time with phones and other gadgets. Health can be at great risk. Even the previous generation knows that long work at a computer or phone can have a negative impact, for instance, on vision or posture.

Thus, Generation Z is the newest generation of our world. The main hopes for the development and balance of society are children who with the help of the acquired knowledge will be able to reach a new level in various spheres of public life.

The key points, as I believe, of course, will be the development and creation of a huge number of modern technologies, the transition from printed publications and the search for information from them to electronic media, the development of professions related to science and technology.



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