Different “deleted” parts from Chapter 5
“When we entered the door with goblins, I couldn’t close my mouth. I almost on the different planet! What a wonderful place? I couldn’t imagine that I would be in such place… All my life I tried not to argue with Dudley, to obey “parents” and be calm and silent. I’m so glad to be here!
It’s stalactites and it’s stalagmites! Wow! I didn’t see them before! How it’s interesting! And these goblins are funny! They are really small!
And now the door is opening… A room full of gold coins! It’s unbelievable! Hagrid said that it’s mine but… how? Can you imagine? I can’t!”
“Who’s this boy? Why does he think bad about Hagrid? I don’t like him… I can’t accept and understand his thoughts…”
“Oh my gosh… this wand is.. it’s so strange! It’s long and magic and… I can’t explain it! I don’t understand how it works! I just wave it and… the light! I did it! I did it by myself! I can’t believe it! Magic… it’s mysterious and… attractive I think… Mr Ollivander said that my new wand is the wand which “brother” gave me the scar… Isn’t it a sign? Isn’t it a coincidence? We’ll see…”